January meeting
March 5, 2018
Thank you to everyone who attended our January chapter meeting, and thank you to our guest speaker, Certified Financial Planner and IRS Enrolled Agent Sam Schecter. Sam explained how the…
June 18, 2024
We have prepared a list of frequently asked questions (FAQ) to help members understand the bylaws changes that are being made to support our exciting new governance model.July 23, 2024
If the blazing heat of midsummer or the chill dark of midwinter has you struggling to focus, you’re not alone. Fortunately, the EFA’s webinars are bite-size, and the low price...August 19, 2024
It was and is an open secret that almost all political, celebrity, and sports memoirs, business and thought leadership books, diet books, self-help books, and similar nonfiction titles are ghosted. A lot of popular fiction is too, especially books by brand-name authors and celebrities.March 5, 2018
Thank you to everyone who attended our January chapter meeting, and thank you to our guest speaker, Certified Financial Planner and IRS Enrolled Agent Sam Schecter. Sam explained how the…
February 15, 2018
All I wanted for Valentine’s Day was a basket full of submissions for the EFA’s Freelancer newsletter. The happy holiday (I hope it was happy for colleagues) may be past,…
February 12, 2018
EFA members in or near St. Louis, we’re having a holiday meeting from 4-6 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 19, at a cool new place: the Protagonist Literary Café at 1700…
February 5, 2018
Please note: To better accommodate the activity on our new website and to increase its reliability, our development team is moving the site to a new, more powerful server. This…
February 1, 2018
The EFA regrets to announce that long-time EFA member and popular newsletter book reviewer Marie Shear died in late December 2017. The Brooklyn-based Shear, who liked to call herself a…
January 19, 2018
What can members gain from their EFA membership? I pose this question because one of the frequent comments in the surveys that we send to people who have discontinued their…
January 17, 2018
Greetings from Sonnet, taking over from Harry David as Twitter team lead this month! Thank you to Harry for his help, and to everyone else for bearing with me as…
January 16, 2018
NYC Metro chapter members are cordially invited to join colleagues at SWINY (Science Writers in NY) for a special evening with award-winning medical correspondent Dr. Max Gomez and his co-author, Dr. Robin L. Smith,…
January 1, 2018
First and foremost, if you have not yet had a chance to finalize your Member Profile/Directory Listing on our new website, there is no time like the present. The Member…
December 8, 2017
The newest issues of the Freelancer newsletter and What’s New ebulletin are ready for reading! Big thanks to Ruth Thaler-Carter (the Freelancer), Luann Reed-Siegel (What’s New), and their teams of…
There were 330 results found.